Modern world is characterized by ongoing development of technical disciplines
Complex project integrator

Constant monitoring of global trends in aircraft construction
Non-jigs assembly

We are interested in the good performance of our products
First product assembly support
ООО «СибКом Цифра»
ЗАО «Авиационный Консалтинг – ТЕХНО» заключило партнёрское соглашение и стала сертифицированным партнёром для реализации комплексных проектов, решений и услуг, базирующихся на решениях ООО «СибКом Цифра».
JSC "AK-TECHNO" has successfully completed work on the support of the assembly of IL-476
In Ulyanovsk, Aviastar-SP completed assembly of the first Il-476 on the assembly line.
Supervising the assembly of the Il-76-MD-90A
On February 15, 2021, on the assembly line at Aviastar-SP JSC, Ulyanovsk, the airframe of the Il-76-MD-90A aircraft was rolled from the wing consoles docking stand to the next assembly line.
Automated docking
At Aviastar-SP JSC, Ulyanovsk, the automated docking of the first fuselage of the Il-76MD-90A heavy transport aircraft using jig-free technology was completed on a new assembly line.
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Techno CJSC
The energy of joint solutions
129164, Russia, Moscow, st. Yaroslavskaya, 8, building 5, office 318
Tel.: +7 (495) 626-5471